Viola Corsini
“Viola Corsini, began her carrier in 1998 by participating in Castrocaro Festival with her song ‘L’odio’. The critics often compare her warm and yet strong voice to ones of artists like Celine Dion and Mariah Carey. In 2003, the great global success came with the album ‘La mia idea di me’. Nowadays Viola perhaps is one of the most famous and most applauded Italian singers in the world. She recently started a big world tour, singing in France, Germany, Canada, Brazil and Mexico, and there are still more dates to come in Argentina, Venezuela, Peru, Chile and Australia. Particularly successful was her artistic collaboration with lyricist Vincenzo Solima, who created masterpieces like "Distanti", "Fuori e dentro la stanza", "Il calendario degli amori" and "Stupidamente" which, in their version in Spanish language, have been sold out in millions of copies in all countries of Latin America.”